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What is eLearning?

Also known as online education, online learning, online courses, and e-learning

eLearning is the process of delivering educational content or curriculum on a given topic to people through an online website, course, or Learning Management System (LMS).

eLearning is well suited to students of all ages, particularly in a hybrid learning environment that includes both live and self-directed instruction and online and in-person engagement with educators, trainers, and fellow learning participants.

Online courses benefit students and employees by supporting improved learning outcomes and career growth and upskilling.

Online education involves developing course content, sharing it with learners, and potentially, evaluating their learning through assessments like tests or projects.

eLearning tools might include video conferencing, breakout rooms, discussion boards, slide decks, and interactive activities, all aimed at helping a range of learners establish a strong understanding of the topics being taught.

Research shows that students have a range of different learning styles and preferences, where differentiated learning and inclusive and accessible practices can significantly improve learning outcomes.

Adaptive Technology

Adaptive technology is technology that has been specifically designed to help people with disabilities navigate technology interfaces and perform specific tasks. For example, screen readers allow people with visual impairments to access text on a screen by converting it to speech.

Bloom’s taxonomy

Bloom’s taxonomy is a hierarchical model of classifying educational objectives, building from remembering to understanding, applying to analyzing, evaluating and, finally, creating.

  1. Remembering: recall facts and basic concepts
  2. Understanding: explain ideas or concepts
  3. Applying: use information situationally
  4. Analyzing: draw connections among ideas
  5. Evaluating: make and defend judgments
  6. Creating: produce new or original work on the topic

Instructional design practices help accelerate higher-order thinking for course participants to move beyond remembering and understanding toward application, analysis, and more.


Instructional design

Communities of practice

Communities of practice are an effective way to enhance online learning and self-directed learning by allowing learners to explore content and practice new skills together. Such communities have been shown to increase student satisfaction and retention (Leong, 2011) in e-learning programs.

Reference: Leong, P. (2011). Role of Social presence and Cognitive Absorption in Online Learning Environments. *Distance Education* , *32* (1), 5-28. doi: 10.1080/01587919.2011.565495


Self-regulated learning LMS Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Differentiated learning

Differentiated learning is a philosophy of teaching that involves the idea that a teacher should avoid only teaching one way to the entire class. Instead, each student needs to be engaged in different ways based on their preferences, strengths, and weaknesses.

Online courses are particularly well suited to support differentiated learning by offering multiple modes of learning, self-directed learning, and more accessible and varied access to learning materials.


Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Universal design Equity

Individual Education Plan (IEP)

An individual education plan is a document that schools use to establish and define accommodations for students with disabilities.


a11y Equity AODA ADA

Instructional design

Instructional Design is the planning, development, and creation of educational materials and curricula.

Using principles of Bloom’s taxonomy, differentiated learning, universal design for learning (UDL), and other methods, an Instructional Designer, Curriculum Designer, and/or Educator—along with subject matter expert(s) (SMEs)—develop lesson plans, assessments, materials, and collaborative activities that, together, help improve learning outcomes for course participants.


Bloom’s taxonomy Self-regulated learning Differentiated learning Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Learning Management System (LMS)

Also known as Learning Management Software

A Learning Management System, or LMS, is a platform or software used to deliver educational content to students. Using an LMS allows course content to be displayed and can enable activities and exams, interactive discussions, course management and tracking learner progress.

There are many different LMS platforms, including:

  • D2L
  • Thinkific
  • Blackboard
  • Canvas
  • Acorn
  • Google Classroom
  • Moodle
  • Schoology
  • Edmodo
  • 360Learning
  • Cornerstone

Say Yeah’s inclusive and accessible online education solutions work within and without of leading learning management systems. Let’s connect to explore how we can support you in improving learning outcomes for your organization.

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Differentiated learning Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Digital transformation

Rigid learning structure

A rigid learning structure is a learning system that prioritizes standardizing curriculum design for the average learner over a personalized approach based on assessing individual interests, cognitive capacities, strengths, and modes of learning. Online learning programs that follow a rigid structure offer courses in one format (mostly video) with limited navigation features and interactive elements.

 The drawback of this model is that many learners will struggle not only with navigating the course but also with recalling and engaging with the course content, typically lost in video timelines.

Reference: Rohan, A T. (2023). Why “one size fits all education” might not work anymore. Higher Education Review.

Self-regulated learning

Self-regulated learning involves students building and using strategies such as metacognition, time management, and critical thinking in their learning in a classroom. These strategies are strongly correlated (Wong, 2018) to more success in an online education environment.

Reference: Wong, J., Baars, M., Davis, D., Van Der Zee, T., Houben, G., & Paas, F. (2018). Supporting Self-Regulated Learning in Online Learning Environments and MOOCs: A Systematic Review. International Journal Of Human-Computer Interaction, 35 (4-5), 356-373. doi:10.1080/10447318.2018.1543084


LMS Differentiated learning Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Universal Design for Learning is a methodology for structuring lesson planning and classroom management around equity and accessibility to that all students can feel included and supported by classroom activities, assignments, and the overall process of learning.

UDL’s components, Engagement, Representation, and Action & Expression are based off of the neuroscience of learning.

Engagement focuses on stimulating learner interest and motivation for learning.

Representation is about providing learners with different forms of information and content.

Action & Expression allows learners to express what they know in different ways.

Learn more about the framework and it’s development at


Inclusive design Universal design Equity AODA

Web standards

Web standards form the foundation of each and every website. These standards are set by W3C, enacted by web browser makers, and used by web developers so that the content and code of a website can be viewable and interactive across devices, operating systems, and web browsers.

Web standards are the underlying foundation for ensuring the access, performance, and security of your website, app, and online courses. Without adherence to web standards, accessibility and performance suffers, which reduces engagement with your content.

Learn more about web standards from the W3C.


Digital excellence Web accessibility W3C WCAG 2.0 / WCAG 2.1